Thursday, October 08, 2009

A Very Greggy Halloween!

Hello and welcome. We would like to take you on a tour of Old Greggs from all over the internet. I am reposting this due to 200 people looking for Old Greggs on a day.

I'm not biased at all when I say that girls make the cutest Old Greggs. Absolutely darling, darling.

Cute Mangina, baby!

The exception that proves the rule.

I don't like to be negative, but this is deeply half-assed.

If you get high enough, you may think that you look like Old Gregg already.

All he knew for sure was that he was going to get drunk on Bailey's.

Are. You. Shitting. Me. me nightmares. Look...if you're not man enough to commit to wearing leggings or tights, don't be Old Gregg. Nobody's forcing you, are they? This is incredibly non-committal.
Cleansing the palate with Old Gregg looking cute as hell in Aberdeen! Oh, this one's so good I'm loath to post it!

This kind of Old Gregg happens by accident, when you wake up in a pool of your own vomit and cassette tape.

This Gregg had the same problem that we did, with the necktie getting a little green. This is probably my favorite direction on the wig.

I am split on this one- I am not sure if he's really an Old Gregg or if he's just a drag Kermit.

Rather a lot of effort for a British dude.

Old Gregg kicks back with a beer and a paper after work.

This one's kicky and has a little attitude.

Old Gregg wants to show us his kitchen and farmhouse chairs.
A nice direction on the wig here!
At any rate, it's wonderful company to be in!

Postscript, 1/22/08: SHAMED!

OH MY LORD! Look at this- lookit the glove! This is Old Gregg by UK Costumer Amy Knight, who has also turned in some fantastic David Bowie reproduction costumes that have been used in BBC productions. She kicks ass, see her website here.

A lovely latecomer to the Gregg game is DJ Rhienna, who will blind you with science, and with her Mangina.

Met this very funny Gregg in Halloween '09 in front of the Someday Lounge. She not only had a nice Mangina, but had drawn an ape head on her jacket.

Got this AMAZINGLY terrifying twosome sent from Athens, GA- Fantastic look! Kind of a somber Hitcher.