Another one of my favorite people, Eddie Izzard, says that in order to get good at stand-up, you just have to do it a thousand times. I finally put my mike where my mouth was last night at the Boiler Room. Here's that file:
When I first walked in with my glamour posse, I assumed that roughly every third person was there to do a five minute set, but it was clear by midnight that every single person in attendance wanted mike time. Straw fedoras and "wacky" t-shirts abounded. The night was such a sausage party that I sailed into the ladies' room past three anxiously waiting gentlemen, which never happens. As new meat, I was bounced 21 times and finally went on at a quarter of midnight. That explains something about the recording- the reason why it seems like only six people are laughing is that there were only seven in attendance at this point. I was pleased that everything got some kind of laugh, and was winding up for my finish when a cute but very inebriated metrosexual got up and started taking his clothes off, which was okay, but then he started taking my clothes off and putting a flashlight down my shirt, to what end I am not sure. So I took off abruptly, in the midst of the Emcee yelling "You're gonna get kicked out again, Bobby!" All in all, I am fairly happy with how it went - I got a good reception from the few remaining patrons and comedians, and I plan to go back most Mondays and practice some more. But not for the next two weeks, 'cos I'll be in South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, and India.
One comedian there had XM radio, and I talked up to her about Ron and Fez. We're gonna take this coast, one drunk at a time!
Photo credit: Darrell took this shot at the subway station in Tokyo, where we are reminded not to allow our cat's tails to get stuck in the closing train door.
Postscript: That heckling drunk metrosexual wound up being my friend Bobby Hacker!