On Sunday, I’m either going to run 26.2 miles, or else I’m going to die trying. I could potentially win, if something really awful happened to everyone else. The thing that is so great about running is that it feels so good to stop. Nothing feels as good as stopping running, and I'm looking forward to that as much as anything else. I have been training for this race for 8 months, which is three months longer than I spent preparing to get married.
I discovered today that any interested parties can keep track of my progress on their telephone by signing up for updates on this website: http://www.wigglewireless.com - click on the Portland Marathon link. We can enjoy the day together- you get up, flip through the paper, note that I'm on mile five, have breakfast in bed with your European lover, laughing together about the amount of time it took me to get to mile 12, bathe, get dressed, complete a 500 piece puzzle and watch two movies and note that I have finally finished and know that I am out there somewhere, cursing and wearing a Mylar blanket.
My running bib number is 261, which you'll need if you want to get updates- if it behooves you to drop me an encouraging line or give me advice on what else should be Vaselined, please do, but please don't write me about your friend who started a marathon as a healthy and productive member of society but later fell across the finishline on two bloody stumps.