Monday, April 28, 2008

Charlie Clark Portrait!

A very nice an' friendly web comic artist, Charlie Clark, put out an offer recently to draw ANYONE, and I said, well, I'm anyone- here is his portrait of me, only the second girl he's drawn. I think I could probably put it in my passport. I like my nosering especially.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Dream Ticket!

This is a deeply stupid joke that I never had the proper means to express, but now there's a service that lets you set up any show you wanted to go to, or wished could happen! Send me your dream shows and I'll post 'em, and tell everyone how smart you are!
A show for the little ones by The Sizzler (lil' Bow Wow was not available):

A Monochrome Set:

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily!

Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day we celebrate the birth of the world's cutest rollerderby ref, my sister Emily! In the rollerderby world, her name is Miss Blisters, although Beloved Spouse suggested Belle and Some Bashin'.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Blessings and Curses

1. I saw a kid waiting for a bus this morning in a VOTE FOR PEDRO t-shirt that reminded me how glad I am that people stopped quoting Napoleon Dynamite all the time. Worst thing named after an Elvis Costello pseudonymn, EVER.

2. Vintage stores seem to have finally run out of NOS white belts and pointy-toed white boots.

3. Firedancing seems to have been replaced by the less flammable hula hooping: it used to be you couldn't go to a nightclub or a grocery store grand opening without some lady with kerosene-soaked rags was gonna dance. What I like about hula hooping is that I don't have to pretend there's any skill or danger involved.

4. People at work don't say "BLING"anymore.


1. I’ve seen three people on the MAX this week with old-fashioned moustaches tattooed on their pointer fingers to play Snidely Whiplash with. OK, the first time you saw someone with that, it was already over. The fat guy from Knocked Up has it. The first person with that tattoo was awesome. Everyone else is shitty.

2. MAC WORSHIP. There is no such thing as a hipster computer! Not unless it runs on cocaine! Your computer does not make you more creative or awesome! Your stuff does not define you! JAYSIS! GROW UP!

3.Burning Man Mini-Stilts. Again, the first Pan costume I saw was great. I love Guillermo Del Toro movies. But now it's everywhere, and is therefore not awesome.

4. People at work can't stop saying "STREET".

Monday, April 07, 2008

New Signs Of Spring!

Last year, I noticed an unconventional, but unmistakable sign of Spring: a Squirrel Fight. This year, I submit a unique take: a cat on a mini-trampoline. This sober feline held court on his tiny trampoline in Ladd's Addition for at least five minutes, the master of all he surveyed. I stopped and watched to see if he would bounce on it, or display a five foot vertical leap to swipe another sign of Spring out of a tree, or anything, but he did not.
Another, less life-affirming ritual, is when local comics with five months of experience and half a dozen jokes start mouthing off about how much better they are than other comics and why aren't people lining up to offer them gigs, but it's probably not worth dwelling on.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

Chico Jones sacks out after a party for our dear friend Pete Ellison, who is leaving us for fancy San Francisco. No-one was less surprised than I to learn that Chico's head has the same dimensions as a regulation-sized child's noggin, and he can easily rock a dinosaur party hat. Ain't no party like a French Bulldog party, because it really does wind down around one AM and everyone can go to bed, full of corn chips and belly rubs.