Monday, April 07, 2008

New Signs Of Spring!

Last year, I noticed an unconventional, but unmistakable sign of Spring: a Squirrel Fight. This year, I submit a unique take: a cat on a mini-trampoline. This sober feline held court on his tiny trampoline in Ladd's Addition for at least five minutes, the master of all he surveyed. I stopped and watched to see if he would bounce on it, or display a five foot vertical leap to swipe another sign of Spring out of a tree, or anything, but he did not.
Another, less life-affirming ritual, is when local comics with five months of experience and half a dozen jokes start mouthing off about how much better they are than other comics and why aren't people lining up to offer them gigs, but it's probably not worth dwelling on.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It's as if he's daring you to try to pet him. Once you begin an approach, hand outstretched, he'll bounce, land on your back, and claw out your spinal column in one swipe. Now that you're quivering upon the lawn, he'll casually clean his paw and then bat at your head.
