Sunday, May 11, 2008

Unwilling Doppelganger!

Here's the poster at that led to middle-aged ladies to whisper to their friends "she's one of the comeeeedians" when I was in the bathroom at Three Rivers Casino.
We had a good time playing for a sold-out ballroom, and only one of us was asked to cover her bodacious chest, because it was a wholesome, family gambling and drinking environment and not a common brothel. What she was wearing would not raise an eyebrow in Portland, and of course in her home state of California it would have been considered formal wear. We remarked that no-one had talked to us about dress code since highschool. However, we still had a great show.
Now, some time ago it was remarked to me that I look like Kristen Schaal, the cute and extremely funny Mel from Flight of the Conchords. I don't agree, merely because she has curly hair and I have my own chin.
But I guess it's a little true, because no fewer than five people asked if I had been on the Daily Show recently. I don't see it, but maybe I could get work as a Schaal understudy or body double, especially if she found herself eating a lot of cookies.

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