Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I Been Hyp-mo-tized!

I just got word that my sister, the lovely and talented Laura Ryan-Day, is in the Wall Street Journal today and will be on Good Morning, America on Monday, discussing how hypnosis is helping her clients cope with the financial downturn. Anyone in the Austin, TX area looking to be hypnotized by a stone fox should check out her website here.

She has offered to hypnotize me before, but since she is my little sister and owes me some back pay for our childhood, I have always been concerned that she will put me down for anxiety but when I wake up I will cluck and scratch the ground like a chicken anytime someone uses the word "potato."

My other sister, Emily, has of course had quite a bit of media coverage for her freebies blog and advice on living on the cheap in New York City. If I could think of a way to help people through the financial crunch, we'd be a dang cheapskate empire!
Umm, I think the pic is photoshopped. I don't remember Simon being that blurry.

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