Monday, January 05, 2009

My Favorite Emotionally Damaged Things To Do On The Internet

Peroxide Mocha ponder the fragility of our existence.

1. Flickr-snooping: I like to look at picture sets of friend's parties that I was not invited to. Alternate Name:*Snort* THAT hors d'oeuvre does not look very delicious.

2. Ex-Boyfriend-Googling: A classic, although I was sad to find that an ex had killed himself. Breaking up *is* hard to do.

3. Find My Own Death Announcements: When your name is Virginia, you die several times a month. My family's OK, really.

4. Myspace Hatin': Not possible on Facebook, which is why it is still inferior in my eyes. I don't want to be your friend, I just want to look at you and feel better that you don't want to talk to me ever again!

5. Taking mental illness quizzes: I know for certain that I do not have a shopping compulsion. Everything else depends on the day.
6. OTHER STALKING VARIATIONS: Now, we all stalk enemies and exes, because it's fun. But have you considered checking your own Youtube clip, obsessively, to see if people are watching/commenting on it? How about commenting on someone else's clip that you like, and then checking back to see if other people think you comment on something you thought was funny was ALSO funny?
How about writing a review of a product or service and checking on that, say, a hundred times? Just doing the cyber version of riding your bike past its house, all day- "Do other people love Kindle as much as I do? Do they like my parody song, Kindle in the Wind?"
It's a big Internet! Get creative! What else can we do with free time, a negative attitude, and a 3G connection?

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