Friday, January 26, 2007

Death in the Family

Teddy Bear Morgue

It's a bittersweet day for me, as my childhood bear, Boffo, escaped his closet sanctuary and was immediately mauled by birthday boy Chico Jones, who claims that he was keeping the house safe from marauding bears. It was hard for me to find my old bear less an eye and a nose, unable to see or breathe, and I had to have a long talk with myself about what exactly I thought I needed a 34 year old bear for. I finally put him down humanely, along with any remaining happy memories of my childhood.
At this point, what I am most worried about now is that Chico will think he would be able to take a bear he encountered in the wild. Perhaps it was his advanced age, but Boffo's total lack of defensive ability might have given my dog false confidence.

It's not the first time Chico has gotten confused on the subject of bears and dogs. When we took him to see Grizzly Man, we had to move to the back of the theatre because he was growling at the bears. You can't fool him, he knows Canis when he sees it.

The bear in question in happier days.

A re-creation of the crime scene.

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