My mother heckled me for a large portion of my set, prompting admirers to ask where I had gotten such a talented plant, to whom I could only weakly respond that it had been my actual human mother. I will have film up soon.
The LAFF festival had a dinner event on Saturday night at Vivo, a restaurant on the long list of local eateries that my sister Laura has been fired from, and I drank the most delicious margarita ever. It was full of fruit and tequila and an orchid and evil. Having consumed a single beverage, I saluted my fellow funny ladies, and went to meet my family.
After I left, I got on the highway and was mildly disturbed at the smell and sound my rental car was making. Since I was nearly to my destination, and since it was a rental car, I decided to persevere despite the thumping and odor, until I got to a stop light and a tramp on the highway on-ramp walked up to my car and pulled a valet parking cone out from underneath it, with a gesture of disgust.
Austin, you continue to kick my ass.
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