Friday, November 20, 2009


Brothers and Sisters;

It is a fun-filled weekend, I am filling my Jetta with fun-loving hookers and heading to Eugene, OR to tell jokes about lady parts, but on Sunday I return with a VERY SPECIAL Curious Comedy Open Mic.

Your Feature Perfomers are:

The Dutch Treats, a.k.a. John Freeman, a one-man band famous in Dallas,TX and Williamsburg, Brooklyn. I have been a fan of their work for 19 years. He has agreed to come out of his candy shell for ONE NIGHT at Curious Comedy to ROCK THE HOUSE!

Lisa Myers, a PNW girl who has been rocking San Francisco for the last coupla years. She is a bucket of crass and sass that I am very pleased to present.

We'll be following up with the usual assortment of pro, am, and mentally ill performers. Scott Rogers is supposed to come out, as well as Buck Silverton, local sex addict. Please come out and join us at The Curious Comedy Theatre, 9 PM at Alberta and MLK!

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