Friday, June 27, 2008

Comedy at the Bagdad!

Last night, I had a lovely chat with Paul Jay and Dan Dominguez, and I told them that I would expose my massive 15-person readership to their gig tonight at the Bagdad Theatre. These guys have been ruling El Lay and touring the states with their comedy, and you can see them for the low, low price of $5 American, the price of a Venti Latte or a gallon of gasoline! This show is being put up by Andy Wood's amazing Bridgetown Comedy brand: "Every Show Has A Quality". The very funny and very large Oregon native Matt Braunger is also performing- he has recently had word that he will joining the cast of Mad TV next season, which I responded to in the following order:

1. Mad TV is still on the air?
2. Awesome! I'm so happy for Matt Braunger, it couldn't happen to a funnier or nicer gent.
3. Crap! Am I gonna have to watch Mad TV now?

It was a fantastic show, of course! And I got to chat with Dan Dominguez, who is not only terribly funny but also knows my brother in San Diego. Earlier in the evening, I had dinner with some nice ladies who are friends with my sister in New York. Now, this would all seem like amazing coincidence if my family weren't a multi-limbed tree of Irish Mormonism.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I'm so freaking jealous. I had to be in stupid Vancouver!!! Did he touch your arm?? Please don't wash it...I want to touch it.
