The quality of the gentlemen at the event is disputable.
But then, the women have questionable judgement.
It's a fair question- why get dressed for an hour to go someplace and stand around in the dark? And did you know that the slang for goths in Mexico is "Darks?" It's kinder than my favorite euphemism, "Dark Dorks".
The man on the left is part general,
part bird.
This man on the right was imprisoned for five years, but spent his time writing his diary on a dinner jacket.
Two days in, questions still abound: Why are giant platform boots still necessary? Are big girls in corsets really fooling anyone? Why did Nivek Ogre perform entirely behind a scrim? Are the rumors true that it was really Clay Aiken filling in for the lead singer of Skinny Puppy?
I love you, Clay Aiken.
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