Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm number twoooo!

At long long long long last, the Portland Amateur Comedy Contest is over! It's over, there's no more contest! It's over, it's over! I'm number two! I'm really happy. I'm happy it's over. The final results are:

1. Richard Bain, very funny person.

2. Virginia Jones and Nathan Brannon tied for #2!

3. Veronica Heath, professional!

4. Tim Cornett, Auslander!

If you came out, thanks so much! Especially Sul, who got lost and then still came. Really and truly, having so many friends there made me the real winner. Please enjoy this video, which will answer the question, "What if I could look up her nose on the Internet?"


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Man, if I was ten-fifteen years younger and single....

    And lived anywhere near Portland.

    But still. Good gig, grats on second.

  2. Oh my! Saucy comment alert! Thanks!

  3. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Wait a sec... You're not quite as young as I thought you were (which I guess is some sort of compliment).

    Be still my beating heart.

    You're welcome, by the way.

    - Saucy Anonymoid

  4. Slightly less enthusiastic "Thank-you!"

    Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words.

  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I've been forced to join UTube in order to comment; I wish this comment were a bit more anonymous, but I have watched the finals video four times and really like most of it. I have also watched the video in the pink dress (and shorter hair) and liked most of that. Yes, Malibu Barbies were cheaper, but, when you had the asthma attack and were hospitalized, I bought you a really expensive Barbie with maybe semi-authentic French peasant clothes.
